Monday, December 5, 2011

11.60 RC2 - Google Docs Spreadsheet copy doesn ...

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3. December 2011, 16:30:29

I always liked Opera, but I cannot use it because Google Docs Spreadsheet doesn't work properly, can't copy cells.sad

I'm posting this not because I hope this would be fixed so later on in the development cycle, but maybe there's an easy fix that I've missed when I search the forum.

3. December 2011, 16:34:00


An Indian Opera pioneer

Posts: 905

Originally posted by AdrianTM:

can't copy cells.

Please check in Opera 11.52 and then only report here. If I am right, you cannot copy any information from Google Docs in any version of Opera as Opera does not permit JavaScript to access the clipboard - something which Google Docs 'copy' function relies on.I have 2 systems - Windows 7 SP1 x86 Ultimate edition and Windows XP Service Pack 3 both running Opera 11.52 Stable
If you need any help from me with regards to Opera, please make a comment on any of my blog posts.
Support Opera wishes

3. December 2011, 16:48:51

Yes, that's true for Opera 11.52 too. I haven't used Opera in a long time and decided to test the new RC...
When I used Opera in the past Google docs were working (though poorly) I hoped the problem was solved by now. Too bad.

3. December 2011, 16:51:20

Another update, actually the copy works if I select "copy" from the menu, but CTRL-C and CTRL-V don't. Can it be a shortcut issue?


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